unthread war crimes cover

unthread war crimes*

chemical weapons

lessebo design 1.3—115 g/m², holmen trnd 2.0—80 g/m², circle offset white—80 g/m², gmund cotton max white—600 g/m²

widespread pain, blurry vision, chest pain, vomiting, breathing difficulties, coma, and death. these are the symptoms of the most horrifying war crime committed in the 21st century, the crime of using prohibited chemical weapons.
the first issue of unthread: war crimes, seeks to uncover and document this crime, points at whom are responsible, and presents the laws expected to hold the perpetrators accountable for their crimes.

this magazine aims to deconstruct the war crimes committed in syria, through collecting and republishing the corresponding reports, laws, and investigations.
as part of an experimental concept, it uses a different visual approach than the one usually seen in such topics. seeking to make this topic more approachable and appealing for a wider range of society.

this issue was made as part of »kann gestaltung gesellschaft verändern?« (can design change society?) course by prof. sabine an huef at fh dortmund.